The Importance of Taking Care of your Mental Health
When there is a news story, the public is alerted to the importance of mental health and well-being. Sadly for each high profile example in the media, there are tens of thousands more suffering in silence or not aware of the impact of poor mental health on your body.
The pandemic has highlighted the issue of being alone and the human tragedy of coping in an ever-changing world. The recent events in Eastern Europe have also underscored that things taken for granted and certainty arent. This uncertainty causes stress on the body, often triggering what is known as a fight or flight response.
What does stress do within the body?
When the body senses it could be or is under attack, it triggers a fight or flight response. This means that blood is diverted from the body to the arms and legs, anticipating the need for a quick escape to provide oxygen to the tissues for energy. When under stress, you may feel butterflies in the stomach as blood is diverted from digestion to the limbs.
Your body produces histamine in anticipation of injury and damage to the blood vessels and the need to seal and minimise blood loss. This can cause stress in your breathing too.
Often when clients first get in touch, when they may realise their breathing is affected for a breathing course, it soon becomes clear that stress is usually not far away from the cause of many problems.
Identifying the cause of the stress
Identifying the cause of the stress can help us tackle it without issues in the future. Our initial assessment breathing coach can determine the body's root cause, extent, and impact. Unfortunately, the first source of help is medication. The more the cause isn’t tackled, the more likely they will need dependency on medication. Clients sometimes need a while to feel ready to start.
“Can’t believe I waited a year to start the course because I thought I wasn’t ready. I feel so angry with myself when I realised I lost a year of having a better quality of life.” Mary, 45 Manchester.
Your mental health is important dont wait for a crisis before seeking help.
Follow our simple seven steps taking care of your mental health
Try and identify the cause or source of the stress
Try and get away of breaks away from the stress
Seek help in obtaining a solution
Try discussing the issue with someone not involved judgemental and who can listen.
Consider an initial assessment with a breathing coach to see if any of our programmes are suitable for you.
Apply what you learn and monitor progress. Try and create a progress chart to feel good when you start making progress and forget where you were at the start.
Have confidence that what happens or setbacks you face can succeed, especially if you have help and support.
Follow the link to our initial assessment for more information.